Завтра будут выключать свет / Коллаж УНИАН / фото ua.depositphotos.com, УНИАН

On Friday, November 29, Ukraine will again implement electricity consumption limitation schedules. These will be in effect for 24 hours.

In the evening, the press service of "Ukrenergo" published the power outage schedules for tomorrow on their official Telegram channel. Thus, for industry and businesses, power limitations will be in effect throughout the entire day. For residential consumers, the schedules will be as follows:

  • 00:00 - 06:00 - one queue of outages;
  • 06:00 - 14:00 - two queues of outages;
  • 14:00 - 18:00 - three queues of outages;
  • 18:00 - 22:00 - two queues of outages;
  • 22:00 - 24:00 - one queue of outages.

It is noted that the temporary increase in restrictions is due to damage to energy facilities caused by a massive missile and drone attack. Energy workers are striving to restore the equipment damaged by the enemy as quickly as possible. People are urged to consume electricity sparingly.

Situation in the Energy System

Let us remind you that today, Russian invaders carried out yet another massive bombardment of Ukraine, targeting energy facilities with missiles and strike drones.

The Armed Forces reported that a total of 12 "strikes" were recorded. Shortly thereafter, the Ministry of Energy announced emergency power outages.

According to expert Vladimir Omelchenko, it may take about 10-14 days to restore stable operation of Ukraine's energy system after the Russian shelling.