The upcoming days in Ukraine are expected to be incredibly warm. In some areas, temperatures may reach spring-like levels. This was reported by meteorologist Natalia Didenko.
"In the coming days, just as January comes to a close, a peak of warmth is anticipated in Ukraine," she states.
On January 28 and 29, according to her forecast, maximum air temperatures in the western regions, the southern part, and locally in central Ukraine will reach +12...+17 degrees. The rest of the country will also experience warm weather, with daytime temperatures ranging from +7...+11 degrees.
No precipitation is expected in Ukraine during these days.
Weather in Kyiv
In Kyiv, according to Natalia Didenko, it will be dry on January 28. The wind will be moderate and southerly, with occasional gusts.
At night, thermometers will show +4 degrees, while during the day the temperature in the capital will rise to +8 degrees.
Abnormal Warmth in Ukraine
Meteorologist Igor Kibalchich also notes that this week unusually warm weather is forecasted for Ukraine.
He mentions that extremely warm air will flow into our country from the Balkan Peninsula and the eastern Mediterranean regions.
Average temperature readings are expected to exceed the climatic norm by 7-12 degrees. According to him, this weather will resemble April more than winter.