Thursday30 January 2025

Kyiv residents urged Klitschko to repair the roads.

The capital can draw inspiration from two cities in Ukraine.
Киевляне призвали Кличко привести дороги в порядок.

The capital can take a cue from two cities in Ukraine

Residents of the capital are urging the city authorities to align tram tracks with the level of the roadways.

A corresponding petition on this matter has been posted on the Kyiv City Council's website.

As the initiative's authors explain, in Europe, tram rails are level with the roads for cars. This has also been implemented in Lviv and Kharkiv.

At the same time, the signatories of the document point out that in the capital, drivers are forced to reduce their speed when crossing tram tracks to avoid damaging their vehicles' suspension systems.

Kyiv residents are convinced that it is not a difficult task for the city to redesign the crossings.

Let us remind you, the people of Kyiv are calling on those responsible for traffic management in the city to mark problematic intersections with special markings that prohibit drivers from entering these sections of the road during traffic jams.